Saturday, May 14, 2011

Three Ways To Get A Lower Refinance Mortgage Rate

The lower your refinance mortgage rate, the more dollars you would save. But, not all refinance mortgages come with such dream rates. Here are three things to keep in mind while opting for the refinancing of your mortgage.

Refinance Complete Mortgage

If you refinance your complete mortgage, you have higher chances of getting the lowest mortgage interest rate. Home equity line or split mortgages increases your risk as well as your interest rate. However, it might be possible that you have an attractive rate on one mortgage. In this case, you may not want to integrate such mortgages. The best thing you can do here is to request for quotes for both mortgage scenarios. This will help you make a better choice.

Avoid Cashing Out Your Equity

Your refinance mortgage rate increases when you cash out either part or whole of your home equity. So, forget doing this. Remember, the bigger your equity, the more attractive your rates would be. If you wish to use your equity, apply for a separate loan such as the home equity line of credit. But, this should be done AFTER you refinance your mortgage. This way, you’ll pay a lower rate on principal.

Buy Points To Lower The Rates

With the first mortgage, you can buy points and lower your rates. But, mind you, getting the best mortgage rate through this way is rather risky, as you need to continue your loan for seven long years in order to recoup the cost. Always compare lending offers to ensure that this is a suitable option for you. Also, determine the cost of points as well as your impending savings.

Besides the above points, you should also think about comparison shopping for getting a good refinance mortgage rate. Refinance policies differ with lenders, therefore, with a little bit or research and comparison, you can hit upon your dream rate.

So, if you’re planning to refinance your mortgage, start your hunt for the best refinance mortgage rate now.

Refinance mortgage rate is something that you should shop around to land the best one. There are certain things that you would need to be careful about.

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